Editor, author and co-author of some Yuri’s works (“StoryCorps”, “Parallel World”, “On the backyard” and others), his wife, professor Yuliana Kholodova is the bright representative of scientific intelligentsia. She devoted her life to research and development in the field of organic chemistry, biophysics, bioorganic and biological chemistry.

After obtaining a higher degree, PhD in chemistry, at age 25, she changed the direction of her investigations several times and became Doctor of Science in Biology (the highest degree) in the field of biophysics and then full professor of bioorganic and biological chemistry.

She is an author of more than 200 articles in scientific journals, 8 patents, and 3 monographs including the textbook of bioorganic chemistry for the students of Agrarian Universities. Her interest in philosophy resulted in active collaboration with the Institute of Philosophy, Ukrainian Academy of Sciences, and publication of articles concerning the philosophic problem of natural science.

She educated 10 graduate students in their PhD thesis defense, and they successfully work in Ukraine and in the foreign research laboratories.

For many years she was the Director of the Steroid Biochemistry Department in the Institute of Biochemistry, Ukrainian Academy of Science, Chairperson in Agrarian University, Director of Scientific-Innovation Center “Natural Bioregulators”, Scientific Editor and then Editor-in-Chief of Ukrainian Biochemical Journal. She worked as an invited Guest Scientist and lecturer in Germany, Vietnam, and USA, was an invited participant of International Symposiums and Conferences, a member of Expert and Qualifying Councils, rose as the corresponding member of Ukrainian Academy of Sciences and academician of branch Academy of Ukraine. In the middle of 1990 she moved to the USA as invited research professor of biochemistry.

At present time together with literary and editing activity she takes part in social programs, helping, in particular, Russian speaking immigrants as a translator of different documentation, newspapers, magazines, and letters and as an interpreter of their social and medical needs.

The Ukrainian publishing house FOP Stebelyak published the book "Unforgettable Pavlo Glazovy. Memories. Vibrant Humors" to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the outstanding Ukrainian poet-humorist and satirist Pavlo Glazoviy. The author of "Memories" is Yuliana Kholodova. The book contains 100 selected humoresques of the poet, as well as Yuri Kholodov's story "Parallel World", dedicated to the memory of the poet. Year of publication - 2022. Language - Ukrainian.

The book includes unique memoirs about the outstanding Ukrainian poet-humorist and satirist Pavlo Glazoviy, presented by his close friends. These are almost family relationships, conversations, disputes, quarrels, scandals, stories of the birth of fables and humoresques as a result of certain personal events, as well as social defeats and prohibitions during post-totalitarian regime. Little-known features of the poet's character, preferences and behavior in different living conditions are revealed. The best humorous works of the poet, written during the period of close communication (1974-1993) are presented.

"Unforgettable Pavlo Glazoviy" (Memoirs, The pages of Ukrainian Humor) is the English version of Ukrainian edition "Íåçàáóòí³é Ïàâëî Ãëàçîâèé". The book is published by The Regency Publishers US. The year of publication is 2023, the language is English.

Preface to an American Edition

Pavlo Prokopovich Glazoviy (1922-2004) - the legendary Ukrainian poet-humorist and satirist. It happened that our life paths crossed, and our close communication continued for twenty years of the active creative period of the poet’s life (1974-1993). Published in Ukraine on the centenary of his birth, the book of our memoirs and selected works of the poet “Unforgettable Pavlo Glazoviy” (FOP Stebelyak, Kyiv 2022) attracted the attention of readers, which influenced our decision to introduce it to the American reader. The work of Pavlo Glazoviy is imbued with the Ukrainian folk spirit, and this is its peculiarity and enduring value. The poet uses the expressions beloved by the people, the treasures of the living language, Ukrainian proverbs and sayings, as if giving them a second wind, which makes up the unique flavor of his fables.

His rhymes are light and melodic. The often coarse, vernacular, unpretentious content of his humorous poetry is combined with the sophistication of presentation. All this is extremely difficult to preserve in translation.

The author’s ways of creating plots and artistic images cause their different perception by readers of the original and readers of the translation due to the historically established specific conditions of their existence - life and culture (I mean Ukrainian and Western readers). It is also impossible not to take into account the various possibilities and features of languages.

Being a poet deeply popular, national, and therefore being a prominent representative of the Ukrainian mentality, he remains the bearer of common to all mankind values that retain a flavor of national specificity. And such statements are largely universal. We are deeply grateful to Mr. Charles Salkowski for helping us understand the differences in the perception of the poet’s work by American and Ukrainian readers, as well as in editing texts.

I wanted to introduce the American reader to the legendary Ukrainian truly folk poet, who drew from the depths of his people the pearls of wisdom, a philosophical attitude to life; a patriotic people courageously fighting now for their independence. The book consists of three parts: Memoirs by Yuliana Kholodova, painting a portrait of a living poet who was remained a close friend of our family for 20 years; Selected fables and humoresques by Pavlo Glazoviy, written during the period of our close communication; A sad nostalgic story by Yuri Kholodov, published earlier and dedicated to the memory of the poet.


Everything is still in future.

Portrait of Yuliana Kholodova, the wife of musician.
Artist T. Gavrylenko.

Portrait of Professor Y. Kholodova.
Artist R. Bagautdinov.

Year 2013. A lot of things are already in the past.